Legitimate Liposomes



When is a liposome not a liposome?

(hint, it has nothing to do with viscosity!)

You may have read recently that the “gold standard” of liposomes can be found in a thick, viscous formula with a “gel-like” consistency.  

We’re here to tell you this is categorically untrue and, unlike those that will remain unnamed (for now), we can prove it.

All Science, no Fiction

Firstly, it’s important to know that as a consumer, you cannot tell if a liposomal formula contains liposomes just by looking. Unless you have superpowers…

Professor Mohammad Najlah, Professor of Pharmaceutics & Nanomedicine at Anglia Ruskin University, recently wrote a piece for The Conversation and here are some eye-opening highlights:

Fact 1:
Liposomal formulations are watery rather than creamy or gel-like.

Fact 2:
Manufacturers add thickening agents and other additives to make their products look more appealing.

Fact 3:
Neither colour nor thickness can tell you whether a product contains high-quality liposomes, as some companies may claim.

If a company says its products contain liposomes, always check its website for evidence such as electron microscope imaging in production.
The sizes of liposomes vary, but it is impossible to see them without a microscope.

Professor Mohammad Najlah, Professor of Pharmaceutics & Nanomedicine and Pharmaceutical Research Group Lead at Anglia Ruskin University

The above images might look like plates of baked beans or frog spawn but these are actually a random selection of lipolife liposomal formulations under a TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope).

To a Pharmaceutics or Nanomedicine expert, these images are the liposomal equivalent of a Monet or Van Gogh.
The liposomes are homogenous, below 200nm and there’s plenty of them.

These TEM images evidence very high quality, authentic liposomal formulations.

Don’t mistake marketing for science.

Any company can claim their product is the best and any company can say they commissioned an independent study of their products and their competitors’…

is it published?

What’s in Your Bottle is returning….

Make sure you’re following us on our social channels because we’ve got some very interesting results to share and we will be supplying the evidence.




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